Hi Hemant,
Thanks for the quick fix. I think this works - if one wants to send a delete
that exits after a clean finish one can always do ask_work(...,
:worker_method => :exit) which would queue the exit (not sure if that would
need a defined exit method in the worker class, or if it could call the
kernel one as is, but either way it should be fine). If people want
something more explicit in the api, I recommend having two methods
(delete/kill delete/destroy etc). Thanks again.
On 1/3/08, hemant <gethemant at gmail.com> wrote:>
> Hi,
> I am pushing some updates and fixes that addresses much of the issues
> that we talked about since last couple of days.
> 1. Use configuration option :debug_log: false to disable
> backgroundrb_debug.log.
> 2. As shown below, use lazy_load option to disable aggressive loading
> of models ( and somewhat stupid too).
> 3. MiddleMan.delete_worker(:worker => :foo_worker) will now ABORT the
> worker, it won''t wait for tasks to finish. I am still skeptic
> the behavior, but since that was the behavior in older version, I am
> continuing it.
> 4. Get information about all running workers:
> >> MiddleMan.all_worker_info
> => [{:worker=>:log_worker, :status=>:running,
> {:worker=>:foo_worker, :status=>:running, :job_key=>""}]
> ---
> :backgroundrb:
> :port: 11006
> :ip: localhost
> :environment: production
> :log: foreground
> :lazy_load: true
> :debug_log: false
> Those who have reported any bugs in past are requested to follow up
> and see if its fixed. I won''t suggest to run this in production
> straightaway, but do your testing first and then deploy.
> --
> Let them talk of their oriental summer climes of everlasting
> conservatories; give me the privilege of making my own summer with my
> own coals.
> http://gnufied.org
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