rspec''ers I''ve committed numerous changes relating to dots, underscores, and mocks. This code will break your specs that use dots (with a couple of exceptions noted below), so you''ll have to change the dots to underscores if you''ve been using them. Feel free to check out the trunk, run it against your existing specs and report back any problems other than those related to dots and underscores (I''m expecting none, but you never know). Note that there are still a couple of places where dots seem more correct. For example: mock.should_receive(:message).once.and_return(value) that makes more sense (IMO) than: mock.should_receive(:message).once_and_return(value) because "once_and_return" doesn''t really make sense as a message to me. Assuming there are no major issues, we''ll do a release mid-week. Thanks, David