On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, phrostie wrote:
> i'm trying to clean up my error messages on Wine stuff.
> one that has come up before was the one about
> ERROR: You need to merge the 'winedefault.reg' file into your
> Wine registry by running: `regedit winedefault.reg'
> i found the directory/file regedit and the winedefault.reg.
> i ran $/home/wine.alpha/wine-20020509/programs/regedit/regedit
> windows/wine-20010510/winedefault.reg
Try using -- between regedit and winedefault.reg. Also, you may need to
use the Windows path for winedefault.reg (somebody fixed it to link with
msvcrt instead of libc, so it doesn't do unix paths any more.
>> and got
> Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A:
> Could not stat /mnt/cdrom (No such file or directory), ignoring drive D:
> /home/wine.alpha/wine-20020509/programs/regedit/regedit: cannot determine
> executable type for 'C:\windows\wine-20010510\winedefault.reg'
> regedit seems to be a link back to wine. is this correct?
> did i screw something up again?
> there is a directory with an executable regedit.so and some other stuff but
> regedit seems to be linked back to wine.
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