Rasjid <rasjidw@bigpond.com> wrote:> Is there any way of sending a set of keystrokes to a window, from a
> command line function.
> Eg.
> $ wine "c:\MyApplication.exe" &> logfile.log &
> $ send.key.shell/perl.script
> where send.key.shell/perl.scrip will send keystorkes to the wine program
> depending on the results of the log file.
Umm, err, no, not yet.
This would be very helpful sometimes, though.
You'd have to do some process communication with a certain Wine
process, though, if you intended to implement this kind of stuff.
Andreas Mohr, Renningen, Germany
In case you need to contact me after expiry of temporary email address:
my real address is (initial of first name).(last name)@mailto.de