On 27 Mar 2001, Cliff McDiarmid wrote:
| Hi
| I've used Wine for some time now, compiled from source, from root with
| no problems. I now wish to run it regularly as an ordinary user.
| Unfortunately it's refusing to run because "the socket is not owned
| you", or words to that effect. After the socket is created under
| /home/user/.wine/... I can give it user permissions and Wine will
| start, but if I stop Wine and restart, the socket once again has root
| permissions and Wine will not run. I've tried everything with
| permissions for the socket folder with no luck, can someone help.
| thanks
You are not understanding something. When the wineserver is not
running, that socket _does not exist_. When you start the first
instance of wine, the wineserver creates it, and of course it is owned
by the user who started wine.
Some versions of wine not too long ago had a wineserver that was a
little too persistent. Make sure there no wineservers running, socket
should not exist, and the user should be able to run wine.
One other way you can reliably get that error is if root has made the
wine binary suid and owned by root. Wine is not designed to be suid,
but maybe some misguided packager has set it up that way. Maybe this
little script can show you:
Script started on Tue Mar 27 09:33:08 2001
[whit@giftie whit]$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/wine
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root uucp 186160 Mar 26 21:14 /usr/local/bin/wine
[whit@giftie whit]$ whoami
[whit@giftie whit]$ wine --version
wine: '/home/whit/.wine/wineserver-giftie/socket' is not owned by you
[whit@giftie whit]$ su -c "chmod u-s /usr/local/bin/wine"
[whit@giftie whit]$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/wine
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root uucp 186160 Mar 26 21:14 /usr/local/bin/wine
[whit@giftie whit]$ wine --version
wine: '/home/whit/.wine/wineserver-giftie/socket' is not owned by you
[whit@giftie whit]$ rm .wine/wineserver-giftie/socket
rm: remove write-protected file `.wine/wineserver-giftie/socket'? y
[whit@giftie whit]$ wine --version
Wine release 20010326
[whit@giftie whit]$ exit
Script done on Tue Mar 27 09:37:01 2001
[whit@giftie whit]$ cat /dev/vcs3|fold|trail>oof
I could rm that write-protected file because I own the .wine directory
it is in. If root owns your .wine directory, make it give it back.
This message is brought to you by Wine-20010326, junopine-2.0.2,
Juno 2.0.11, and pine-4.10
---cut here
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