On Sat, 17 Mar 2001, Rusmir [ISO-8859-2] Du?ko wrote:
> Hi
> I don't want that Windoze programms write to my {HOME} directory
> (Drive Y).
> I find better a separate directory like {HOME}/.wine/cfg.windoze for
> .ini, cfg, .log, and other files.
> It looks better without these files in my home directory. Now it is
> crammed and not clear.
> Is there a possibility to make this? With a option in
> {HOME}/.wine/config perhaps?
> Thanks much
> --
> MfG / With best Regards
> Rusmir Dusko
> Registered Linux user: #130654 http://counter.li.org
You can put any windose drive anywhere you like on your linux FS.
If linux can get at it, Wine will be able to. It just wants you to tell
it in ~/.wine/config what you want it to do. (In terms it can
understand, of course :-). If you want drive Y: on
$HOME/.wine/cfg.windoze, make those directories if you have not already
and set that in the "Path" = entry for [Drive Y]. If your app writes
its .ini files to C:\windows, though, Wine will put them wherever you
tell it _that_ is. Wine will not _create_ directories just because they
are named in ~/.wine/config. That is the job of the Linux system
administrator (it could be you) and Wine has enough of a job to do
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