wrote:>I have looked all over the place for an emulator for an Amstrad 1640 to a
>p.c. in windows, could anyone please help me. My brother wrote a book on his
>Amstrad and I want to print a limited number for the family as he has since
>died, having promised its very harde for me to go back on my word. Any help
>will be most greatfully received. arthur
You're off-topic in this newsgroup, but I'm feeling generous...
Firstly, the PC1640 was an IBM-compatible PC, so if you can transfer the
programs across they should run in the standard DOS box.
Secondly, failing that, try MESS <> which claims
to emulate the PC1640.
>Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
><HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT
COLOR="#ff00ff" SIZE=2><B>I have looked all over the place
for an emulator for an Amstrad 1640 to a
><BR>p.c. in windows, could anyone please help me. My brother wrote a
book on his
><BR>Amstrad and I want to print a limited number for the family as he
has since
><BR>died, having promised its very harde for me to go back on my word.
Any help
><BR>will be most greatfully received. arthur
>Posted from []
>via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG
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John Elliott |BLOODNOK: "But why have you got such a long
|SEAGOON: "Heavy dentures, Sir!" - The Goon