2001-Feb-05 03:44 UTC
Mouse pointer visible in OpenGL window - sometimes... when it shouldnt be.
Hey, i occasionally have this problem.. and someone who read my howto seems to always ahve it.. so if anyone (Lionel Ulmer) could take a look into it: ok, opengl mode, in halflife (problable other things) - someitmes the mosue pointer appears in the center of the screen... it happens to me when i have minimized hl or esacped out and back into it - doesnt happen when i first start it (from command line - strieght into a game)... for this other person, for some reason hl minimizes itself on start - so then it shows when he loads it back up.. any ideas.. David -- David Hammerton aka crazney http://lhl.linuxgames.com - Linux Half-Life dnospamhammerton at labyrinth.net.nospamau to email me, remove any nospam's from my address