Tom Brown wrote:> Hi
> I have to use find to change the perms of a directory and files within
> that directory recursively but i need to exclude a directory within the
> top level directory, as its a netapp and so contains a read only
> .snapshot dir.
> I have tried...
> # find /var/data/foo -path '\.\/\.snapshot' -prune -o -exec chown
> usera:groupb {} \;
> but
> chown: changing ownership of `/var/data/foo/.snapshot': Read-only file
> system
> chown: changing ownership of `/var/data/foo/.snapshot/hourly.0':
> Read-only file system
> chown: changing ownership of
> `/var/data/foo/.snapshot/hourly.0/filename': Read-only file system
Your "-path" argument is wrong. Try this:
find /var/data/foo -path '/var/data/foo/.snapshot' -prune -o -exec
usera:groupb {} +
You need the whole path, and there is no need to escape the '.'
I've also used "+" as the terminator. That's just an
efficiency issue. It
makes 'find' build command lines with as many matches as will fit rather
than invoking 'chown' separately for each one.
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