I just hit the problem too, but in digging into it I found that the post-inst script was running the dh_installinit bit which tries to start the daemon, before the dh_pycentral bit, which makes the python modules available. I manually ran "pycentral pkginstall xen-utils-3.0" then xend would start and the postinst script could finish. - Nick Lopez nlopez@espri.arizona.edu
Possibly Parallel Threads
- RE: Dovecot doesn't call pam_open_session, thus dodging
- Re: Dovecot doesn't call pam_open_session, thus dodging
- Bug#462522: xen-utils installation failure
- Bug#384739: ImportError: No module named xen.xend.server
- Dovecot doesn't call pam_open_session, thus dodging pam_mkhomedir