2009/1/16 Eric S. Raymond <esr at snark.thyrsus.com>
> 3a. What part of the documentation needs the most immediate attention?
> 3b. Will anyone come after me with an axe if I move the entire corpus
> to ASCIIDOC markup? http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/
> 3c. Why isn't the content of the website a branch in the repo? Can
> we fix things so it is?
> Hint: If the website becomes a repo branch, I'll reorganize and
> rewrite that for clarity, too.
first, a small sum up of the current status, past work and aims to
understand the situation:
- the doc need to be easily maintainable by a non tech guy (though I've
still not found anybody reliable enough for that),
- we need to provide at least an html output,
- many part of the contents of the website and inline doc (ie the docs/
directory of the source tree) are either redundant or missing on one side or
the other,
- considering all the above point, I started the
http://test.networkupstools.org website, with a consolidated approach. This
is still a work underway though (or somewhat a failure!)
- the final system should fit the above, and allow to be used online (for
the website) and offline (for the source distribution and packages). It
should also allow a split between a User Manual, a Developer Manual,
- your above ASCIIDOC approach seems really interesting (and more than a raw
docbook approach!) and possibly meeting all the requirement.
So, I would really like to investigate this a bit more with you ^_^
Thanks a lot for being back Eric, I (and the NUT team and users I'm sure)
very much appreciate!
Linux / Unix Expert R&D - Eaton - http://www.eaton.com/mgeops
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer -
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/
Conseiller Municipal - Saint Bernard du Touvet -
en charge de la Communication, de l'Informatique et des Technologies
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