I have two calls (626 and 542) coming into the same phone (524). SIP/524-000005b5!smvoice-sip!!1!Up!AppDial!(Outgoing Line)!_2XX!!3!9!SIP/542-000005b4 SIP/542-000005b4!smvoice-sip!_2XX!8!Up!Dial!SIP/524|30|!542!!3!9!SIP/524-000005b5 SIP/524-000005b3!smvoice-sip!!1!Up!AppDial!(Outgoing Line)!_2XX!!3!40!SIP/526-000005b2 SIP/526-000005b2!smvoice-sip!_2XX!8!Up!Dial!SIP/524|30|!209!!3!40!SIP/524-000005b3 One is on hold and one is active. Shouldnt there be something in the "core show channels" that says if the call is on hold? I need the same for calls coming over DAHDI. What I'm trying to accomplish is to use the AMI to transfer a call, however, I dont want to transfer the call that is on HOLD. I want to transfer the call that they are currently talking to. I have not found a good way to accomplish this. I tried the extensionstate but that was not working in all cases. like DAHDI. Any ideas? Thanks, Jerry