I have recently tried to install continuum. Unfortunately, every time i
attempt to install, I get the errors that are at the end of this message. If
there is any way that I could get this installer to work, I would be most
apreciative of your help.
Corey McClymonds
fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x7fdd1ea8 0x7fc1fba8) stub!
fixme:richedit:RichEditANSIWndProc EM_AUTOURLDETECT: stub
fixme:richedit:RichEditANSIWndProc WM_SETFONT: stub
fixme:richedit:RichEditANSIWndProc EM_LIMITTEXT: stub
fixme:richedit:RichEditANSIWndProc EM_EXLIMITTEXT: stub
wine-pthread: paint.c:150: ME_Repaint: Assertion `pRun == pCursor->pRun'
Note: This is the entire error, and I am almost entirely sure the last one
is the problem, as I have seen all of the richedit stubs before.
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