Hi, I met Matt Florell at AMOOCON and tried to record an interview. I was pleased with the results, but later found that the battery deleted the audio file when it went dead. Today, we'll have Matt live to talk about VICIDIAL and answer any questions you may have about it. For more on this: http://VUC.me IRC #voip-users-conference on Freenode.net Call 7463#22622#1 at proxy.ideasip.com to join or join in wideband G722 (see the site for details on that). r
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Friday Apr 9th 2010 @ 12 Noon EDT: More Cloud Telephony
- Asterisk and EC2 today at 12 Noon EDT
- Friday June 5th @12 Noon EDT: Sipgate invades the USA, more HD Voice, Video chat
- Friday 12th June @ 12 Noon EDT: VoIP Users Conference Skype to ZipDX
- Friday @12 Noon ET: Kamailio, Open SER and Asterisk