fateme fatah schrieb:
> Can one conference room have multiple passwords for example 10 passwords
for one meetme room ?
Not natively in Asterisk but you can do that in an AGI script
in the dialplan before you go to Meetme().
- Read in a password.
- Call your AGI script which is free to do whatever is necessary
(check with a database etc.). Set a channel variable as the
return value.
- Depending upon that, go to Meetme() or do something else.
Philipp Kempgen
http://www.das-asterisk-buch.de - http://www.the-asterisk-book.com
Amooma GmbH - Bachstr. 126 - 56566 Neuwied -> http://www.amooma.de
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Stefan Wintermeyer, Handelsregister: Neuwied B14998