> Hi all, I use asterisk with realtime features for extension, sip and iax.
> In extensions.conf I have put these lines:
> [from-internal]
> include => parkedcalls
> switch => Realtime/@
> [fromiax]
> switch => Realtime/@
> There is a way for put in my database the context also? Now if I want to
> add a new context I have to modify the extensions.conf with:
> [newcontext]
> switch => Realtime/@
> but I have about 50 asterisk that read one database, now if I want to
> change/add a context I have to change 50 extensions.conf file :(
The easy answer to your question is, no, you can not put a context in
the database without a corresponding context in the static
extensions.conf file. You need:
switch => Realtime/@
or it will not work.
The hard answer is, yes, there is a catch all patch out there is the
ether, do a google search for "asterisk alf scherer" and you can catch
up on the progress with the patch, try it, it may work for you.
JR Richardson
Engineering for the Masses