I have tried to play the game now for a while but it still keeps not working at all. Singleplayer works like a charm. Closed bnet works like a charm to enter and se the chat and such. But i cannot join or create a game. Ive been searching around for an good solution and everyone speaks about /etc/hosts and ive tried every different solution with the hosts file. Your connection has been interrupted is still the message i get when i tries to enter a game. I have disabled sound and ive tried fullscreen and windowed and i get the same error. I use a fixed exe with the D2Loader-current.sh wich actually gave an error when i started it the first time. so i changed that it complained about on line 110 about a "&" wich was to much according fbsd. Then the game started and everything worked perfectly. But bnet doesnt work at all to join games. I tried to create an ordinary multiplayer game and to join and that works perfectly. It is only battlenet who hates me. And its only there i play. *sobs* I hope someone can think about a solution or something. Regards Nihplod