Am Samstag, den 26.05.2007, 02:45 -0700 schrieb Crazy
Boy:> Hi Friends,
> I am planning to buy "IMate PDAL" mobile phone. This contains
> 802.11b/g" feature. So, Is it possible to get internet using my
> wireless router in my office?
Most probably yes. The device runs windows, so it comes with the pocket
IE, which will give you internet access via WLAN. If there is no
compatibility issue (perhaps that phone only does WPA-personal, and your
office router might require some more advanced encryption...) this
should be straightforward to setup.
>From the comments on
I would not think anyone wants to buy that device, but go ahead.
BTW: Look for a thread about "softphones for pocket PC" or similar a
days ago, there were several Asterisk compatible softphones mentioned.