> Gommidh Riadh wrote:
>> For exemple
>> I call number 0123456789
>> - if it is a fax then redirect to extension A
>> - if it is a line then redirect to exention B
>> whats ia want its somthing like AMD application that i use for the
>> answering machine .
>> http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/NVFaxDetect
>> Did somene use it ? any feed back ?
> With my limited testing, it seemed to work quite well. (not tried it
> since moving to asterisk 1.4).
> It is only neccesary if you want to detect faxes on VoIP communications
> (without T.38).
> If you want your machine to accept faxes via this method, it may be more
> appropriate to use a SIP supplier that supports T.38 and look at using
> callweaver instead of asterisk. (asterisk branch that supports T.38 fax
> termination).
>> Sorry for the English and thanks for your help
> There is nothing wrong with your english.
thanks for your response
Infortunatly the site http://www.newmantelecom.com/asterisk/faxdetect/ is
unrechable for me , so i cant downlood the app and make my test
But i m not sure you understand what i want to realy do
i m developping a predetive call application for a call center
i make the outgoing call with originate commande (API manager) :
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/provider/0123456789
Context: foo
Exten: 8000
CallerID: bla
Variable: 0123456789
Async: true
ActionID: xxx
Priority: 1
When the called party pickup the line it redirect to the exten 8000
exten => 8000,1,AMD
exten => 8000,2,Wait(1)
exten => 8000,3,Answer()
exten => 8000,4,GotoIf($["${AMDSTATUS}" ="MACHINE"]?6)
exten => 8000,5,Queue(${var1}|tT|||120)
exten => 8000,6,System(php -q machine.php ${var1})
exten => 8000,7,Hangup
So if the number "0123456789" is ansering machine then marke it and
if it is a human than redirect to the queue and the agent take the call
did the nvfaxdetect do the same thing like AMD application ?
i dont want recive a fax i want to know i the number a call is not a fax
line because my agents will become Deaf persons with the
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sound of fax :).
Thanks for your help