Heya everybody. I have been peering into the code for zaptel for a while now, I am keenly interested in the dacs support, being able to apparently redirect certain spans to other spans. Not sure if this has to be on the same T1 interface or can be used between T1 interfaces on the same board or possible two different cards. Any information on the functionality of this would be greatly appreciated! I don' t have the equipment any more to test it out. I have been wanting to "bridge" T1 devices together outside of the dial plan for a long time. However this time I need to be able to monitor the audio data and call information as well. I am fine programming something that can talk to the zaptel drivers, but I need to know if channels placed into a dacs configuration can be monitored at all. If I do what needs to be done with just using a simple dialplan I have echo concerns, I am wondering how much of a concern echo will be between two spans placed into a dacs configuration. I knew if there is echo I can do nothing about it, asterisk needs to be in the middle to help adjust that. If there is a low chance of echo it would save me quite a bit of money by not requiring echo cancellation capable T1 boards. Shane R. Spencer