On Mar 9, 2006, at 9:30 PM, Marc Archer wrote:
> Hi All,
> ?
> This is probably a stupid question, but I?m trying to figure out if I
> Asterisk is in the middle of the media stream or not? Is there a
> command or something that indicates weather of not the two endpoints
> are talking directly?
> ?
> I am seeing messages such as :
> ?
> -- SIP/200-eb90 answered SIP/208-f0d6
> -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/208-f0d6 and SIP/200-eb90
> ?
> ?but not sure if this indicates that the phones are talking directly
> because If I stop the server the call will drop.
> ?
Actually I was also wondering about this. How can you tell whether the
"native bridge" succeeds? The console doesn't seem to indicate
with verbosity jacked sky high (254).
Attempting native bridge.... ??
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