On 15:14, Sat 13 Aug 05, John Fawcett wrote:> I have successfully configured asterisk to make outgoing calls over FWD,
> but cannot receive incoming calls. The console shows no messages,
> even though an XTEN client on the same network has no problems receiving
> incoming calls.
> This is the relevant part of sip.conf
> [general]
> .....
> register => 688426:xxxxxxxx@fwd.pulver.com/6000
> [fwd.pulver.com]
> type=friend
> username=688426
> fromuser=688426
> secret=xxxxxxx
> dtmfmode=inband
> host=fwd.pulver.com
> port=5060
> nat=yes
> canreinvite=no
> externip=
> localnet=
> I orignally tried without the last two lines, then
> added these and forwarded all ports from
> the NAT to the asterisk server, but still no result.
> Is anyone with asterisk behind a NAT successfully receiving calls
> from FWD? Can you give me any pointers on the above configuration?
> I realize that I could also try IAX which is supported by FWD, but
> I'm having this problem with another SIP provider too, so I'd like
> to get it working for SIP.
Those 2 lines about externip and localnet should go before
any register or phone/provider stanza.
Check if you are registered to fwd/other sip provider.
In asterisk CLI type: sip show registry.
If you forwarded all ports that are stated in rtp.conf and
the 5060 to the asterisk box it should work. At least it
does here.
Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D
"Why is it drug addicts and computer afficionados are both called