I've done quite a bit of googling and haven't found a solution to my problem. I've got the Digium dev kit (wctdm11b) set up and working. I've compiled spandsp and can receieve faxes from eFax (www.efax.com) but the pages are blank. The page count is correct, in that if I fax a two page document, my tiff file has two pages, but they are white blank pages. I found one similar post here http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2005-April/103069.html, but haven't seen a solution. Any ideas?
Asterisk mailing list account
2005-Jul-20 01:26 UTC
[Asterisk-Users] spandsp - fax is just blank pages
pbo 808 wrote:>I've done quite a bit of googling and haven't found a solution to my problem. > >I've got the Digium dev kit (wctdm11b) set up and working. I've >compiled spandsp and can receieve faxes from eFax (www.efax.com) but >the pages are blank. The page count is correct, in that if I fax a >two page document, my tiff file has two pages, but they are white >blank pages. > >I found one similar post here >http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2005-April/103069.html, >but haven't seen a solution. > >Any ideas? >_______________________________________________ > >Hello, I have noticed the same problem in my tests with spandsp. I think it has to do with the format of the tiff file, but I couldn't find the reason... I hope that someone in this list who has solved this problem can share the solution with us. Best regards, Vlasis Hatzistavrou.