> Has anyone had any luck in changing the voices for Festival and
> Asterisk?
> I have Festival installed and working, but can not get the voice
> different
> from the default.
> Thanks,
> Jason
Assuming you follow the installation instructions, and install the Mbrola and
other goodies for all the possible different voices, then you can, while running
in a terminal window, run the following commands (in 195):
(SayText "This is the default voice. It sounds like K.E.D. Diphone?")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is AWB arctic multisyn")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is JMK arctic multisyn")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is E.L. Diphone")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is K.A.L. Diphone")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is R.A.B. Diphone")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is D.O.N. Diphone")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is K.E.D. Diphone")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is mbrola U.S. 1")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is mbrola U.S. 2")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is mbrola U.S. 3")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
(SayText "This is mbrola E.N. 1")
(tts "text_to_read" nil)
If you are able to decide on a particular voice, you can make it the
default by including your lines in the lib/siteinit.scm file:
(set! voice_default 'voice_cstr_us_awb_arctic_multisyn)
(provide 'siteinit)
My advice is to play around with the system and read the docs. There is
no substitute. I've published my WhoIsIt-1.1.tar.gz tarball with some
scripts to generate files from festival, for all the country names, and
the physical location of the different area codes in the US, etc.
Steve Murphy <murf@e-tools.com>
Electronic Tools Company
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