Hello Everyone.
Please let me know if this is the incorrect forum for this question.
I recently acquired 3 Sipura-841 phones for use with my asterisk system.
I provisioned and deployed one. It worked for 3 days, then uddenly, it
stopped working. Upon reboot, the MWI light blinks 20 times and that's
the end of it. It has never registered again since then.
So I replaced the phone with another that I had. I provisioned it, it
went online for a split second, then it too died! MWI light blinks 20
times, and the phone is dead.
So Sipura sent me out 3 replacement phones the next week.
Now, I've provisioned a replacement phone. I was talking on it for 2
hours when it died. (guess what) Same problem mostly. MWI light blinks
20 times, and the phone just doesn't work. (Except this one will reboot
itself every 5 minutes. About every 10th reboot, it will go online for a
few minutes, then die again)
Curious if anyone has experienced the same problem?
I have tried all these phones in four totally unique environments. (ie:
differetn dhcp servers, differnet hubs/switches, different ISPs, etc)
Problem is consistent across them all.
I've tried cvs-head, and asterisk-1.05, same problem.
One other thing.. If I use the exact same SIP credentials/config on a
Linksys PAP2, or Linksys RT31P2, it works fine, or even any softphone.
Any direction would be appreciated.