On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 14:51 -0800, Manjit Riat wrote:> Just got a headset for testing asterisk and am using X-Lite. I plugged
> in the headset into the headset jack and is there any way to configure
> X-lite to use the headset instead of the speakers? Or will I have to
> plug the headset in the speaker jack ?
a delicate question, but are you sure that this is an asterisk issue?
Because, and I'm confident you won't mind me being frank, this rather
sounds like being at most an XLite question, if not only an issue about
how to properly connect your headset. Anyway, here's the link to the
XLite support forum: http://support.xten.net/
I wish you good luck there.
Regards, Bruno.