In the event that this is remotely helpful to anyone, I would like to share the first class I have written for PHP. If its ugly, its because I don't pretend to know what I am doing... :P Good luck. asterisk.class.php: <? //********************************************************************** **// /* Setup asterisk manager class. */ class asterisk{ var $host; var $port; var $a; function asterisk($host,$port) { $this->host=$host; $this->port=$port; } function connect() { $this->socket = fsockopen($this->host,$this->port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (empty($this->socket) || $this->socket==false) { $this->error=array("errorno"=>-1, "errstr"=>$errstr); return false; } else { return true; } } function login($user, $pass) { fputs($this->socket, "Action: Login\r\n"); fputs($this->socket, "UserName: " . $user . "\r\n"); fputs($this->socket, "Secret: " . $pass . "\r\n\r\n"); } function logout() { fputs($this->socket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n"); } function sendc($cmd) { fputs($this->socket, "Action: Command\r\n"); fputs($this->socket, "Command: " . $cmd . "\r\n\r\n"); } function read() { while (!feof($this->socket)) { $retstr .= fread($this->socket, 8192); } fclose($this->socket); return $retstr; } function skipline($skip) { if(!$skip) { $skip = 0; } while($skip!=0) { fgets($this->socket, 1024); $skip-=1; } } } //********************************************************************** **// ?> manager.php: <?php include("asterisk.class.php"); if(!isset($_POST['cmd'])) { $cmd = "sip show peers"; } else { $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; } writeform(); $a=new asterisk('',5038); $a->connect(); $a->login('username','password'); $a->sendc($cmd); $a->logout(); $a->skipline(6); $out = $a->read(); print "<PRE>" . $out; //********************************************************************** **// /* The form. */ function writeform() { print <<<EndForm <form action="" method="post"> <p> Enter Command: <input type="text" name="cmd"> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="submit"><BR> </p> </form> EndForm; } ?>