When sending calls to my Long Distance Provider I've come across this problem. After about 3 or 4 seconds into a call, it gets cut off. This is what I have concluded after doing a trace. 1. An invite is sent to the Asterix PBX 2. Asterix sends back a 100 trying. 3. Asterix then sends a 200 OK, with session description. 4. They ACKnowledge the Asterix 200 OK 5. Asterix then sends a 183 Session Progress, with description; this message is equivalent to a ringing and I'm not sure why the Asterix sends this message. 6. At this point the Asterix sends a total of six 200 OKs which they never respond to. Their terminating device has already setup the call it doesn't respond to the six 200 OKs. 7. It appears since the Aterix doesn't receive a reply to it's 200 OKs it gives up and sends a BYE and releases the call. Now this doesn't happen on every call. Just certain Destinations. Any Ideas?