On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Anton Yurchenko waxed:
> Hello,
> I have a E1 with PRI signaling, is there a way to set that some of the
> channels when the call is made from them to outside PSTN, will show one
> callerID, and other group of channels will show other callerID.
> Right now I have it like this
> group=1
> callerid=7777777
> channel=1-10
> group=2
> callerid=8888888
> channel=11-20
> When I call to outside the caller id shows only the same one
You might not be able to set the callerid to anything you
like. That would be a limitation of your E1 provider.
Probably they only let you set the callerid to numbers in
your DID block.
Chris Maj <cmaj_hat_freedomcorpse_hot_info>
Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May
Key ID: 0xF0DEC146
Key fingerprint = 43D6 799C F6CF F920 6623 DC85 C8A3 CFFE F0DE C146