On Tuesday 12 August 2003 14:47, Peer Oliver schmidt
wrote:> in a HTML page I can write href="mailto:joe@doe.com" and clicking
> the link will open the default mail application.
> Is anything like that possible with any of the soft phones (SIP or
> IAX [Windows])?
> Any and all information is greatly appreciated.
It's actually a function of the operating system, not of the individual
application. But in Windows, you might do this:
Open regedit to \My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and create
a new key, for example, zzz. Set the default string value to
"URL:ZZZ Protocol" and create a second string called
"URL Protocol" with a blank value. Now under the zzz key, create
the following hierarchy of keys:
\My Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\zzz\shell\open\command
Under this last key, set the default string value to:
"C:\Path\To\Your\App.exe" %1
This assumes that your app will be able to work with zzz://whatever
coming in on the command line. If it does not, you'll need to create
an additional step in the process, by calling a .BAT file which will
strip off the zzz:// from the rest of your data. You might do that like
set foo=%1
set bar=%foo:~6,99%
C:\Path\To\Your\App.exe %bar%
And change that last registry value to point to your .BAT file.