This has been discussed quite a bit on this mailing list. The general idea is
that most of the way's of jailing people are '.' hacks. That's
what my patch on is. Until a proper method is devised
and approved by the OpenSSH crew, an officially supported jail function
won't be appearing anytime soon. The OpenSSH guys are great at making sure
everything is up to par and I definitly appreciate what they're doing, but
that's also why there isn't an official jailing feature yet.
Anyone up to the challenge? I'd be happy to help if anyone is seriously
P.S. has the '.' hack and may or may not be
useful. It is not officially supported, but it works quite well for me.
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 18:54:49 +0200
"Hans Nohack" <hans at> wrote:
> hello,
> we need to transfer files in a secure way with different partners and
> clients.
> at the momet we're using commercial ssh because we found it the only
way to
> transfer files in a jailed environment and without offering a login shell.
> we'd like to use openssh but found only some patches and wrapper
scripts but
> nothing "official" to do what we need.
> i could image (and read on many lists) that lots of people seem to need
> feature.
> will it be part of the "official" openssh some day?
> thanks
> hans
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