Volker buschmans wrote:
> Hi,
> I' m trying to use PXELINUX. The Server runs RedHat 7.1 with the
tftp-server belonging to 7.2.
> When booting a client, it says 'trying to load...'->the files
after that: could not find Kernel Image.
> The structure fo files is like written on the website and the rights for
the files are OK too. Anyway I put in a kernelimage called linux - but:
> Could it be that there is a Problem browsing further files via tftp?? I
wonder why its possible to get pxelinux.0..
I would like to suggest getting a newer version of tftp-hpa (RH7.2 ships
with an ancient version of tftp-hpa) and run it with the -vv options; that
should give some log information that might be useful.
Also, please give as many details about your network card as possible,
including the firmware version.
What you're seeing is indicative that the PXE embedded TFTP stack works,
but not the one built into PXELINUX.