Google are running their Summer of Code again this year. If you aren't
familiar with it already, you can find out more here:
I'm wondering if we should apply to take part. I'm happy to act as
(which I did for SWIG last year so I know what is involved), and put together
the application. Mentoring organisations have to apply this week (closing on
Friday 12th).
I suggest we set the scope to include Xapian-related work on other FOSS
projects, as well as on Xapian itself. That means we can put together a wider
range of project ideas, and so have a broader appeal to students.
So if you are interested in mentoring, please speak up so we know if there's
sufficient interest - either here or on #xapian on freenode.
If you have generic GSoC questions, you might get a quicker response on #gsoc.