2011-Aug-04 12:38 UTC
[Dovecot] dovecot + postfix + kerberos + AD - Multiple mailboxes ???
Hi all. I have a problem in configuration Mail Server for my company. Gentoo/Linux, postfix-2.7.3, dovecot-2.0.11, AD-Windows2008R2 ** virtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/, ldap:/etc/postfix/ I create a two ldap files for search Multiple mailboxes in attribute AD (mail, othermailbox). ** server_host = search_base = dc=cn,dc=energy version = 3 bind = yes bind_dn = admin bind_pw = passwd chase_referrals = no scope = sub query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(mail=%s))(!(userAccountControl=514))) result_attribute = mail result_format = %s/ ** server_host = search_base = dc=cn,dc=energy version = 3 bind = yes bind_dn = admin bind_pw = passwd chase_referrals = no scope = sub query_filter = (&(objectclass=person)(|(otherMailbox=%s))(!(userAccountControl=514))) result_attribute = otherMailbox So, you want to know why it was done so stupid? I'll try to explain. I have an account in AD ( eg Ross). In the mail attribute is written, my main mailbox ross at, and attribute otherMailbox my additional mailboxes simbios at,..., Etc. Postfix does not know how to work with attributes that have multiple meanings. If I'm wrong correct me. ) ) ) Dovecot, respectively, too... ) ) ) *What to do in this situation? Maybe there is some solution?* *dovecot-ldap.conf:* user_attrs = mail=mail=maildir:/var/spool/mail/%$, quotaBytes=quota_rule=*:bytes=%$ user_filter = (&(objectClass=Person)(sAMAccountName=%n)) pass_attrs = userPassword=password pass_filter = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%u)) ls /var/mail ross at simbios at This directory create postfix. With ross Dovecot working fine, but with simbios NOT. Many thanks for your help! -- Best Regards Ross Remote Server Administration. e-mail: ross.sysadm at skype: ross.sysadm icq: 317410068 Best Offers for a full range of server management services and effective on time solutions.