I''ve submitted a few patches on Trac to help get Merb running under
JRuby [0][1][2][3][4]. It''d be cool if any of you committers could
find the time to look them over and apply/reject them. They''re mostly
tiny, so it shouldn''t be too onerous.
With all of these patches applied, there are still 3 spec failures.
One is in the spec ''a merb mailer should be able to send mails via
sendmail'', and depends on JRuby bug JRUBY-1106[5]. The other two are
caused by a ''can''t convert Tempfile into String''
error in
Request#parse_multipart. I''ll try and track that one down later today.
Most of Merb''s dependencies are available on JRuby, with the
exception of json, which uses a native C parser. Changing the gem
dependency to json_pure would allow Merb to install on any platform
[4]. Mongrel doesn''t officially support JRuby yet, but the jruby-
extras project has a gem available[6]. The Java support is integrated
in Mongrel''s trunk, and should be available in the next release.
Only Erubis templates are "supported" at the moment, meaning that erb
templates should work. The other template engines are in various
states of semi-to-non-working. Markaby passes all its specs, so it
should work, but I''d like to hear from someone who uses it before we
call it supported. The builder template specs implode quietly, taking
the whole spec run down with them, so I''ve disabled them. Rendering a
trivial builder template works fine, so it''s probably a problem with
the specs as opposed to builder itself. Haml fails a couple of specs,
so I''ve disabled it, too, for now. I only use erb, so if anyone wants
to help out, making one of the other engines work would be a great
place to start :-)
[0] http://merb.devjavu.com/ticket/231
[1] http://merb.devjavu.com/ticket/232
[2] http://merb.devjavu.com/ticket/236
[3] http://merb.devjavu.com/ticket/242
[4] http://merb.devjavu.com/ticket/235
[5] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-1106
[6] http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/20097/mongrel-1.0.1-jruby.gem