On Dec 2, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Andy Koch wrote:
> is there a listing of the Spec::Runner configuration options
> somewhere?
For RSpec-1: http://rdoc.info/gems/rspec/1.3.1/Spec/Runner/Configuration
For RSpec 2, the options get defined via metaprogramming (a great example of the
downside of metaprogramming), and are not well documented. That said, if you do
RSpec.configure do |config|
p config.settings.keys
> I''m looking for a document (code is ok) that lists all the
> options and their purpose.
> example,
> I can see from my code that these exist...
> Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
> config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
> config.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
> config.fixture_path = Rails.root + ''/spec/fixtures/''
> end
> but I''m curious to see what else is available.
> I''ve googled and searched in rdoc but I can''t find even
these options
> listed.
> thanks
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