On 7 Jun 2010, at 15:13, Ben Butler-Cole wrote:
> Hello.
> I''m trying to use RSpec''s mocks to describe code which
passes a block to a collaborator. I want to write an assertion against the value
returned by the block. I can''t find any explicit support for this in
RSpec, but perhaps I have missed something.
> I have come up with a hack which almost does what I want, by hijacking the
and_return block (see http://gist.github.com/428624). But this doesn''t
work for more complex cases where there are multiple calls in the code under
test which pass different blocks.
> Is there any way to make assertions like this? From looking at the code, I
think it would take some significant changes to support this; but it
doesn''t seem to be a terribly esoteric use case.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
Have you seen and_yield? I can''t quite get my head around what
you''re trying to do, but it might help anyway:
> -Ben
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