On 1/5/11 3:57 PM, AmateurDev wrote:> I have a homeschool program called Edu-Track which keeps track of
schedules, grades, etc. At first it wouldn't open at all under WINE, I fixed
that using winetricks and msjet40:
> Code:
> wget kegel.com/wine/winetricks
> sh winetricks msjet40
> Now the program opens and I can log in, but it freezes after that. I'm
new to this, so I don't know how to get debug information. How do you do
that? I'm running Xubuntu 10.10 and Wine 1.2.1. Thanks!
Upgrade to either Wine 1.2.2 or Wine 1.3.10 and try again.
There will be no need to reapply winetricks.
James McKenzie