search for: pred3

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2013 Jan 22
Erro message in glmmADMB
Hello everybody, I am using glmmADMB and when I run some models, I recieve the following message: Erro em glmmadmb(eumencells ~ 1 + (1 | owners), data = pred3, family = "nbinom", : The function maximizer failed (couldn't find STD file) Furthermore: Lost warning messages: Command execution 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "C:/Users/helenametal/Documents/R/win-library/2.15/glmmADMB/bin/windows32/glmmadmb.exe" -maxfn 500 -maxph 5...
2005 Mar 03
creating a formula on-the-fly inside a function
...ns a linear model and returns r2. But, the number of predictor variables passed to the function changes from 1 to 3. How can I change the formula inside the function depending on the number of variables passed in? An example: <- function(response.dat, pred1.dat, pred2.dat = NULL, pred3.dat = NULL) { res <- lm(response.dat ~ pred1.dat + pred2.dat + pred3.dat) summary(res)$r.squared # other stuff happens here... } y <- rnorm(10) x1 <- y + runif(10) x2 <- y + runif(10) x3 <- y + runif(10), x1, x2, x3), x1, x2)
2010 May 28
Comparing and Interpreting GAMMs
...t) 0.12965 0.36007 Xr.1 s(hours24) 1291.42444 35.93639 Number of obs: 97920, groups: vpnr, 114; Xr.1, 8 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) X(Intercept) 0.3713345 0.0644469 5.762 8.32e-09 *** Xpred2 -0.0575848 0.0865231 -0.666 0.506 Xpred3 0.0003748 0.0869543 0.004 0.997 … Parametric coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 0.3713345 0.0149858 24.779 < 2e-16 *** pred2 -0.0575848 0.0197488 -2.916 0.00355 ** pred3 0.0003748 0.0198803 0.019 0.98496...
2006 May 27
Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial (PR#8905)
..." model matrix for predictions > p <- poly(Orthodont$age, 3) > mm2 <- model.matrix(~ poly(age, 3, coefs = attr(p, "coefs")) + Sex, data = Newdata) > > data.frame(pred1 = predict(fm, level = 0, newdata = Newdata), + pred2 = mm1 %*% fixef(fm), + pred3 = head(predict(fm, level = 0)), + pred4 = mm2 %*% fixef(fm)) pred1 pred2 pred3 pred4 1 18.61469 18.61469 23.13079 23.13079 2 23.23968 23.23968 24.11227 24.11227 3 29.90620 29.90620 25.59375 25.59375 4 36.19756 36.19756 27.03819 27.03819 5 18.61469 18.61469 23.13079 23.13079...
2009 Apr 01
How to prevent inclusion of intercept in lme with interaction
...l=0) summary(grd.lme0) # Gives true, all.equal(grd$pred1,grd$pred0) # Everything as expected without treat grd.lme2 = lme(newbone~t,data=grd,random=~1|subject) grd$pred2 = predict(grd.lme2,level=0) summary(grd.lme2) # Forced intercept = 0 grd.lme3 = lme(newbone~t-1,data=grd,random=~1|subject) grd$pred3 = predict(grd.lme3,level=0) summary(grd.lme3) # As expected: not equal all.equal(grd$pred2,grd$pred3) #------------------------------------------------------------------- R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-03-13 r48127) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252;LC_C...
2008 May 09
how to check linearity in Cox regression
Hi, I am just wondering if there is a test available for testing if a linear fit of an independent variable in a Cox regression is enough? Thanks for any suggestions. John Zhang ____________________________________________________________________________________ [[elided Yahoo spam]]
2003 Apr 25
validate function in Design library does not work with small samples
...When my sample size is reduced from 300 to 150, the function complains (length of dimnames[1] not equal to array) and does not produce any results. There are no missing values in the data. Any suggestions for a work-around? Thank you in Advance. >,censor)~predictor+pred2+pred3,data=data,x=T,y=T,surv=T) > set.seed(6) > val.step=validate(,B=155,bw=T) Backwards Step-down - Original Model No Factors Deleted Factors in Final Model [1] pred2 .Random.seed: 1 -1021164091 1170333634 in .GlobalEnv Iteration: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Error in fit(NULL, y[trai...
2011 Apr 15
GLM and normality of predictors
...ut that. As it is easy to understand I'm not a statistician so be patient please. I want to estimate the possible effects of some predictors on my response variable that is nº of males and nº of females (cbind(males,females)), so, it would be: fullmodel<-glm(cbind(males,females)~pred1+pred2+pred3, binomial) I have n= 11 (ecological data, small sample size is a a frequent problem!). Someone told me that I have to check for normality of the predictors (and in case transform to reach normality) but I am in doubt about the fact that a normality test can be very informative with such a small s...
2006 May 30
(PR#8905) Recommended package nlme: bug in predict.lme when an independent variable is a polynomial
...<- model.matrix(~ poly(age, 3, coefs =3D attr(p, "coefs")) + Sex,= data =3D > >> Newdata) > >>> > >>> data.frame(pred1 =3D predict(fm, level =3D 0, newdata =3D Newdata), > >> + pred2 =3D mm1 %*% fixef(fm), > >> + pred3 =3D head(predict(fm, level =3D 0)), > >> + pred4 =3D mm2 %*% fixef(fm)) > >> pred1 pred2 pred3 pred4 > >> 1 18.61469 18.61469 23.13079 23.13079 > >> 2 23.23968 23.23968 24.11227 24.11227 > >> 3 29.90620 29.90620 25.59375 25.59375...
2011 Oct 21
plotting average effects.
...x(dat$popc100))] <- max(dat$popc100) > dat3$popc100 <- dat$popc100 - 1000 > dat3$popc100[which(dat3$popc100 < min(dat$popc100))] <- min(dat$popc100) > pred1 <- predict(mod, type="response") > pred2 <- predict(mod, newdata=dat2, type="response") > pred3 <- predict(mod, newdata=dat3, type="response") > <- cut(dat$popc100kpc, breaks=quantile(dat$popc100kpc, > seq(0,1,by=.3)), include.lowest=T) > means <- by(cbind(pred1, pred2, pred3), list(, apply, 2, mean) > means <-, means) >...
2005 Dec 14
glmmADMB: Generalized Linear Mixed Models using AD Model Builder
Dear R-users, Half a year ago we put out the R package "glmmADMB" for fitting overdispersed count data. Several people who used this package have requested additional features. We now have a new version ready. The major new feature is that glmmADMB allows Bernoulli responses with logistic and probit links. In addition there
2012 Jun 12
How to create lift chart and ROC curve in R
....AIA) ,family=binomial(link="logit"),data=Attrition_data_2) summary(newlogit3) to predict I have a have used the code Test_data_1011 <- read.csv(file="TEST DATA_10_11.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", row.names = "employee_id", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) pred3 = predict(newlogit3,Test_data_1011 ,type = "response") Warm regards, Dwaipayan American Express made the following annotations on Tue Jun 12 2012 05:44:05 ****************************************************************************** "This message and any attachments are sol...