On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 08:27:42AM +0200, Carsten John
wrote:> Hello everybody,
> is there any known way to configure the point-in-time *when* the
time-slider will snapshot/rotate?
> With hundreds of zfs filesystems, the daily snapshot rotation slows down a
big file server significantly, so it would be better to have the snapshots
rotated outside the usual workhours.
> As as I found out so far, the first snapshot is taken when the service is
restartet and then the next occurs 24 hour later (as supposed). Do I need to
restart the service at 2:00 AM to get the desired result (not a big deal deal
with /usr/bin/at, but not as straight forward as I would exspect).
> Any suggestions?
You could try manually making a "zfs-auto-snap_daily-blahblah"
snapshot at the desired time, and then restarting the service, which
should then follow accordingly for subsequent days.
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