Yeah, I could clean that up better.. sounds good..
Dina wrote:> Think missed something first time. :)
> usr/src/lib/libcryptoutil/common/tohexstr.c:
> dkn-1: NIT - *blen and **bytes not set consistently on error return
> line 74, *blen and **bytes not set
> line 86, *blen set to 0, but **bytes is not set (coming from line 94)
> line 120, *blen set to 0 and **bytes set to NULL
> Shouldn''t be issue if caller checks return value and avoids using
> *blen and **bytes if return value is non-zero. Can''t be too sure
> D.
> Anthony Scarpino wrote:
>> I''m unsure if the updates to the libcryptoutil portion of the
>> zfs-crypto project were made available.. Dan A and Dina reviewed the
>> original changes if I remember correctly.. Anyway, I''ve put
>> updates on:
>> These changes are independent and will be going back ahead of the zfs
>> crypto putback..
>> Tony
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