21 jun 2014 greetings, i saw something odd the other day, and i'm not sure what to make of it. i ran xen-4.4.0 on my system for over 45 days with no problems. my system then suddenly rebooted itself. my logs acted almost as if a power interruption happened, except i run a ups with nut, and the logs showed no sign of any nut activity. plus, the ups did NOT scream at me. i sometimes see nut broadcast messages talking about losing or regaining contact with the ups daemon, but i (mostly) attribute those to ntp time adjustments and/or heavy cpu loading. i sometimes run heavy cpu-intensive and/or graphics-intensive tasks in domain zero, but i never saw them cause this in about eighteen months of running xen in several versions. has anyone else seen this? is it xen-related? right now, it's an anomoly. i hope it does not happen again, but i'm hoping for ideas as to why. any questions, comments, or suggestions? thank you. frank smith -- http://www.fastmail.fm - Choose from over 50 domains or use your own