On Mon, 2013-12-02 at 13:34 +0800, 姚牧阳 wrote:
> This is Muyang Yao from Beijing, recently we have been working on
> projects about hacking the xen kernel and reveal vulnerabilities to
> arouse awareness.
This sounds like interesting work. Should you discover any security
issues I would like to encourage you to please contact security@xen.org
in the first instance. The Xen security problem response process is at
http://www.xenproject.org/security-policy.html .
> Especially regarding the memory management mechanism. But I stll find
> it hard to read through the source code of the hypervisor.
> I'm wondering if there's any development document of the xen
> hypervisor? How do you guys actually get started with xen source code?
> are there any suggestions or good wiki pages to refer to? It seems
> that the docs in "wiki.xenproject.org" are quite simple and have
> limited help to reading the code.
There is a book "The Definitive Guide to the Xen Hypervisor" which
not read myself but I have heard recommended (it's a bit dated, but
still largely relevant I think)
If you are particularly interesting in memory management then a good
understanding of the architectural (e.g. x86) memory management stuff is
pretty much a prerequisite. As far as x86 PV memory management goes the
basic principals are still those which are outlined in the original "Xen
and the Art of Virtualization" paper from SOSP 2003.
Ultimately there isn't much substitute for being able to read and follow
the code. Tools like TAGS or cscope, or even just grep, are a useful aid
for this.
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