I was referred here by Ian Campbell ijc@hellion.org.uk from bugs.debian.org.
First, I''m happy to provide more information about this bug as
requsted. I recognize not all relevant data has
been collected yet.
Detailed information about this bug can be found at
The executive summary is: Using Debian Testing (7.0, wheezy) dom0 with
LVM and full disk encryption with
Debian Stable (6.0, Squeeze) domU, transferring large files via scp or
rsync over openswan results in data corruption, with
eventual file system corruption. The culprit appears to be full disk
encryption, however that evidence may not be conclusive.
While I don''t mind providing additional information, I''d hate
to have
to repeat the information I''ve provided to the Debian bug hunting
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.