On 31/08/12 10:52, Jonathan Tripathy wrote:> Hi Everyone,
> I have set dom0_mem=2048M in grub2, set dom0 minimum memory to 2048 in
> xend-config (and also disabled ballooning). However, when I do "free
> in the Dom0, I only see 1567 total RAM (xentop reports 2048ish).
Does this article provide the answers?
> Is this a known issue? I am also aware that this problem occurs in the
> DomUs as well, but never a discrepancy that big.
> The kernel I''m using is 3.2.28. Xen is version 4.1.3 (although
I''m using
> a hack in setup.c where I changed the order of the if block is give
> priority to the 802 memory map. I needed to do this as my motherboard
> uses UEFI. Keir made a patch for this for unstable recently).