Hi, just a quick reminder that we do have the Xen Dev Meeting the Sunday before XenSummit. The event is invite only, but you can request an invite. For more information see here http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Xen_Maintainer,_Committer_and_Developer_Meeting/XenSummit_NA_2012 We are almost full, but can accomodate another 5 or so maybe 10 maximum. Regarding agenda: I originally was going to propose an agenda, but I got feedback from attendees that this is not the right approach. What I will be doing today is to go through the proposed topics and create a survey for attendees. Each attendee can choose 10 topics in the survey (about as much as we can handle in the time we have). Based on the results, I will create an ordered list of topics and we will work through these in order. Best Regards Lars