In function :
xc_core_shdr_get(struct xc_core_section_headers *sheaders) {
Elf64_Shdr *shdr;
if ( sheaders->num == sheaders->num_max )
Elf64_Shdr *shdrs;
if ( sheaders->num_max + SHDR_INC < sheaders->num_max )
<--- in
this point
// I think at this point ,sheaders->num_max + SHDR_INC always is major or
equal than sheaders->num_max
// I think : x + y > x
My consideration was only for resolving error compiling because I not have
time to learn what libxc are and what I can use function
errno = E2BIG;
return NULL;
sheaders->num_max += SHDR_INC;
shdrs = realloc(sheaders->shdrs,
sizeof(sheaders->shdrs[0]) * sheaders->num_max);
if ( shdrs == NULL ) <<-- word wrap ??
return NULL;
sheaders->shdrs = shdrs;
i think this are correct:
if ( shdrs == NULL ) return NULL;
sheaders->shdrs = shdrs;
if ( shdrs == NULL ) {return NULL};
sheaders->shdrs = shdrs;
shdr = &sheaders->shdrs[sheaders->num];
memset(shdr, 0, sizeof(*shdr));
return shdr;
Always happy c++
C++ are always better than other J
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