Hi there!
I''ve been playing arount with Xen 3.1.0 and I tried to use PAM
for Xend (XEN-API). This fails on openSuSE 10.2 with PyPAM 0.4.2.
The reason seems to be located in XendAuthSessions.py:
the function _pam_conv takes 3 arguments, instead
of 2 (as in the example shipped with PyPAM 0.4.2, and PyPAM 0.5.0):
def _pam_conv(auth, query_list, user_data):
So I changed it to:
def _pam_conv(auth, query_list, user_data = None):
and PAM auth works fine. I also tried to remove user_data completely,
and it also worked fine (for me, no idea about version 0.5.0)
Does this change break PyPAM 0.5.0 compatibility? If not I hope this
patch gets applied soon.
PS: Keep on the great work!
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