We are running 2 ettcp (test TCP) tests on xen as follows:
Dom0 (source) to DomU (sink)
DomU (source) to Dom0 (sink)
Dom0 has 2 vcpus and 256MB of memory.
DomU has 1 vcpu and 256MB of memory.
Results (in seconds) show that communications from DomU to Dom0 are
faster (we show first 3 tests):
(We are passing a 4KB block each time)
Source->Sink # Transactions tcp/ip I tcp/ip II tcp/ip
Dom0 -> DomU 100000 4.77 4.76 4.79
dom0: -t
1000000 47.86 47.65
47.43 domU: -r
10000000 481.23 468.51 469.31
DomU -> Dom0 100000 1.81 1.89 1.79
domU: -t
1000000 17.19 17.23
16.98 dom0: -r
10000000 171.83 171.95 171.71
We observe the same behaviour when blocks are 8KB (default) or 640B
as well as when we use our inter domain communication channel
(based on Xen rings, shared memory etc.)
Can anybody explain why?
Thanks so much,
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