I am trying to set up a driver domain for a NIC. I exposed the NIC to the DomU. Now I am trying so that other guest domains can use this network card. I am facing the following problem: Suppose my driver domain has id=1 and the guest domain has id=2. How will the interface vif2.0 come up in the driver domain when I boot the guest domain. Where should I specify the script to be run on the driver domain whenever a new guest domain is booted. I use the following vif line in configuration file: vif = [ '' '', ''bridge=xenbr0'', ''backend=1'' ] Backend=1 specifies the driver domain, but how to create and add a backend interface to the bridge in driver domain when a new domain is booted? Any hint in this direction will be helpful. Thanks, Purav _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list Xen-devel@lists.xensource.com http://lists.xensource.com/xen-devel